Most PSA-native or -integrated CSAT survey solutions provide URLs that are unique to your company and each will tie to a Positive, Neutral or Negative response.

<aside> ℹ️ Here is an example of a positive SmileBack survey:


The /123456/ in the above example should tie to the ID of the request in your PSA.

With snippets, Thread gives you the ability to place the ID you need in-URL on demand.

Use the {Ticket ID} variable in your snippet to ensure each rating is tied to the right request. When the user clicks on the hyperlink for any of the 3 options, it takes them to the correct SmileBack survey page and then they're off and running.

Here is an example that Thread uses every day:

Choose from the options below to rate your service experience:

  1. [Service magic ✨]({Ticket ID}/1/)
  2. [Good service 😃]({Ticket ID}/0/)
  3. ["I'm not mad; just disappointed" ☹️]({Ticket ID}/-1/)

And here is the output presented to the user in-thread:

Screenshot 2023-08-04 at 11.52.27 AM.png

To get the unique URL for your company, you will need to:

  1. Navigate to your CSAT module (SmileBack, SimpleSAT, AutoTask, etc)
  2. Grab your unique URLs
  3. Plug them in to a snippet as shown above